Monday, March 28, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

We can say that actually the technology is the best friend of humanity.
We can see how day by day the people depend of instruments or machines for may realize any action, anything.
So simple as: warm water, cut something, or wash, all, recently, only is posible if you have technology in your home.
Times ago, the life was more manually, all the actions needs to produce something should be realized by a person.
Today we depend of a machine for living, for our daily life.
But, this kind of dependence is not good, because each day increase a kind of pollution (acustic, air, earth) that will affect the earth in some direct way.

_Help handicap people to realize theirs activities
_Help old people to living easy
_Make us a confortable life

_Produce dependence
_Produce pollution
_We lost our culture and costums
_Make us costumers of changing merch (You never will get the new)

Advantages and Disadvantages of Immigration

In the world, the word immigration is well known, this because is a constant between geographics limits, countries and nations.
Many wars had been ocurred by this word, but the major was the World Second War, when the germans punish the presence of Jews in their country.
But, away from wars and negatives things, the immigration had been the origin of many countries, of many generations.
In our country, Costa Rica, the immigration is a polemic conversation topic because the nicaraguans people.
But, as humans, the mix of cultures increase the nation as a mix culture and customs.
The immigration have to be something positive, because is a double help, the person who comes need a home and the "home" need workers for the own development.

_Workers and mix of cultures
_Increase the population

_Increase of poverty

Advantages and Disadvantages of Homework

Actually, the technology makes easy the chance of study. Day by day the people wants a carrer in a short time, as be posible.
All the steps that a correct learning and teaching demand should be reduced for makes this posible, but a short time studing is a short knowledge.
Homework has been considered as lost time or a repetition of class, but this consideration is absolutly wrong.
Homework comes to be a tool for increase the knowledge in some area that could be hard to learn, for students. Is ideal because you can do it at home, in confort, with time and sometimes with the help of yours parents.
More that a responsability, this is help, extra class, repeating you what the profesor try to teach in the day.
I consider that homework, as any other assignment, is very important for the development of a study culture in a person.
Homework, most of the time, comes to be ours guide to continue fighting for know more day by day..

Monday, March 7, 2011

Animals can be considered intelligent?

Can be animals considered intelligent or not?

As humans, the animals are capable of create their own families, houses and communities where they can live and be with the others species, most all the time surrounding by nature.

But now, when the human be found in nature the way to produce money, most of their homes and families have been destroyed.

In consequence, the animal had to find the way to adapt their life to the human system.

Well, my perspective about it is that animals are intelligent, they don’t fight for their freedom, they know that humans be stronger and smartest, but in a pacific way they adapt everything to us.

So, they know that fighting is not the answer, but if they do exactly what the human want, they can be benefited in some way.

In conclusion, we know intelligence as language, ideas, numbers and successful, but the intelligence is the respond to life, to use what you have and transform it in something better, without damages or bad consequence to our surrounding.

Living longer...

Now, do people want living longer, what happen if I live longer?

In past time, living longer was a chance to continue being happy with the family, doing farming, taking care about ours sons and grandsons, but now is very different than that.

Actually, if you are an old person, when we say old people just we are talking about people around 65 years old and over that, you may be discriminate by anyone, yours rights doesn’t have the same value, as a normal person have it.

In this case, be an old person is be a nobodies for the society, discrimination involve a negative atmosphere of sadness, depression and feelings of be useless for everyone.

If we talk about advantages, there is not much to say, but if we talk about disadvantages, there is many things to show about the age of a person, and how can these factor be a key for existing.

In the actual world, a person who is capable of produce many money, this kind of persons is the successful that make move the world, because all is around the money and possessions, old people obviously, in most of cases, be limited to continue with their normal life, as can do it when were young, but this is the result of a materialist and consuming society.

If you have planed live longer, this is the time to start thinking how will your future as an old person, and if you will can satisfy all your needs when the limits of the age affect to your body.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Smoking should be banned in public areas?

Actually is so common see people smoking in every space that they’ll go.

Step by step they continue walking inhaling and exhaling the snuff of a normal, as you can see it, cigarette.

Many studies have found that a normal cigarette contains around of 4000 differents substances that may cause serious damages in a person health, but in the same studies, the presence of other 40 carcinogenic substances, really make us be worried about it.

In the other hand, this is not the end of the smoking disadvantages; because the people that receive this kind of air may be affected in the same or worst way that people who being smoking.

This is the principal reason to think that smoking should be banned in public spaces, where usually all people be walking, stand for rest or simple entertainment.

If I’m smoking, the people surrounding me don’t have to inhaling the pollution that leaves from my mouth.

For these kind of addicted people, should create specific spaces in which can join with others persons that be smoking too, and in this way, we’ll evading the affectations or make a damage to the health of healthy people.


Making a Complaint to "Intrusos de la farándula"

Written By:
Andrés Cordero
Valeria Rodriguez
Andrey López