Monday, March 28, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Technology

We can say that actually the technology is the best friend of humanity.
We can see how day by day the people depend of instruments or machines for may realize any action, anything.
So simple as: warm water, cut something, or wash, all, recently, only is posible if you have technology in your home.
Times ago, the life was more manually, all the actions needs to produce something should be realized by a person.
Today we depend of a machine for living, for our daily life.
But, this kind of dependence is not good, because each day increase a kind of pollution (acustic, air, earth) that will affect the earth in some direct way.

_Help handicap people to realize theirs activities
_Help old people to living easy
_Make us a confortable life

_Produce dependence
_Produce pollution
_We lost our culture and costums
_Make us costumers of changing merch (You never will get the new)

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