Monday, March 7, 2011

Animals can be considered intelligent?

Can be animals considered intelligent or not?

As humans, the animals are capable of create their own families, houses and communities where they can live and be with the others species, most all the time surrounding by nature.

But now, when the human be found in nature the way to produce money, most of their homes and families have been destroyed.

In consequence, the animal had to find the way to adapt their life to the human system.

Well, my perspective about it is that animals are intelligent, they don’t fight for their freedom, they know that humans be stronger and smartest, but in a pacific way they adapt everything to us.

So, they know that fighting is not the answer, but if they do exactly what the human want, they can be benefited in some way.

In conclusion, we know intelligence as language, ideas, numbers and successful, but the intelligence is the respond to life, to use what you have and transform it in something better, without damages or bad consequence to our surrounding.

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