Monday, March 28, 2011

Advantages and Disadvantages of Homework

Actually, the technology makes easy the chance of study. Day by day the people wants a carrer in a short time, as be posible.
All the steps that a correct learning and teaching demand should be reduced for makes this posible, but a short time studing is a short knowledge.
Homework has been considered as lost time or a repetition of class, but this consideration is absolutly wrong.
Homework comes to be a tool for increase the knowledge in some area that could be hard to learn, for students. Is ideal because you can do it at home, in confort, with time and sometimes with the help of yours parents.
More that a responsability, this is help, extra class, repeating you what the profesor try to teach in the day.
I consider that homework, as any other assignment, is very important for the development of a study culture in a person.
Homework, most of the time, comes to be ours guide to continue fighting for know more day by day..

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