Monday, March 7, 2011

Living longer...

Now, do people want living longer, what happen if I live longer?

In past time, living longer was a chance to continue being happy with the family, doing farming, taking care about ours sons and grandsons, but now is very different than that.

Actually, if you are an old person, when we say old people just we are talking about people around 65 years old and over that, you may be discriminate by anyone, yours rights doesn’t have the same value, as a normal person have it.

In this case, be an old person is be a nobodies for the society, discrimination involve a negative atmosphere of sadness, depression and feelings of be useless for everyone.

If we talk about advantages, there is not much to say, but if we talk about disadvantages, there is many things to show about the age of a person, and how can these factor be a key for existing.

In the actual world, a person who is capable of produce many money, this kind of persons is the successful that make move the world, because all is around the money and possessions, old people obviously, in most of cases, be limited to continue with their normal life, as can do it when were young, but this is the result of a materialist and consuming society.

If you have planed live longer, this is the time to start thinking how will your future as an old person, and if you will can satisfy all your needs when the limits of the age affect to your body.

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